How to create a positive mindset

Intelligence, knowledge and charisma are great, although the difference between successful and less successful is more than this. It consists of everyday habits, the way we choose to spend our free time, our mindset and the approach we have towards people we work with, friends family, the money we earn, the work we do. 1.Live […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / februarie 17, 2021 /In Uncategorized

Quantitative benefits to learning a new language

The desire of many students, and even graduates, is often to learn a new language, alongside their main choice of study.  Being a polyglot enriches knowledge, makes the curriculum more attractive and diverse,  and can open doors to an exchange in another country.   With this  in mind, we have prepared some valuable pointers for […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / decembrie 28, 2020 /In Uncategorized


  How many times have you felt the craving for a burger, only to end up looking like a 5-year old with sauce all over your mouth and hands, or a rogue gherkin on your newly-washed clothes? Here are some useful tips to avoid these pitfalls and maintain your dignity in the face of potential […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / octombrie 22, 2020 /In Uncategorized

Nouvelle business étiquette

Nouvelle business étiquette Nouvelle business étiquette – soyez productif à la maison! Avec les nouvelles mesures en place depuis deux mois maintenant, de nombreuses personnes se retrouvent soudainement obligées de travailler à domicile. L’adaptation peut être difficile pour ceux qui ne sont pas habitués à cette nouvelle réalité. Sachez cependant qu’il existe certaines règles d’étiquette […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / iunie 1, 2020 /In Uncategorized

New business etiquette-conference calls

Conference calls are now an inescapable part of our work from home and they may need extra attention. A survey from a Harvard Business Review shows that 65% of senior managers in a range of industries think meetings distract them from finishing their own tasks . 71% say meetings may be not very effective. 64% consider conference calls come at […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / mai 9, 2020 /In Uncategorized

New business etiquette- be productive at home!

With the new measures that have been in place for two months now, many people suddenly find themselves having to work from home. Adapting may be difficult for those who are not used to this new reality. Be aware, however, that there are certain rules of etiquette that are worth respecting. I have prepared some […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / mai 9, 2020 /In Uncategorized

Savoir-vivre au bureau 1

Une bonne étiquette au bureau crée un environnement de confort et d’efficacité au travail. Dans le monde d’aujourd’hui, les bonnes manières et la courtoisie envoient un message d’ouverture et laisseront une impression positive sur les collègues et les partenaires. Nous avons probablement tous vécu l’une des situations suivantes: – à votre bureau, une personne de […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / aprilie 23, 2020 /In Uncategorized

Reguli de etichetă business

Eticheta business creează un mediu de confort și eficacitate la locul de muncă. În lumea de astăzi, bunele maniere trimit un mesaj de deschidere și vor lăsa o impresie pozitivă colegilor și partenerilor. Toți am experimentat probabil una dintre următoarele situații: -O persoană din departamentul dvs. vorbește extrem de tare despre vacanța din care tocmai […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / aprilie 23, 2020 /In Uncategorized

Expresii Afaceri E-Mail

FORMAL NAME -Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Dupuis PREVIOUS CONTACT -Thank you for your email -Further to your last email -I apologise for not getting in contact with your before now. REASON FOR WRITING -I am writing in connection with… -I am writing with regard to… -In reply to your email, here are… -We would like to point  […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / aprilie 21, 2020 /In Uncategorized

Email etiquette

Good office etiquette creates an environment of comfort and effectiveness in the workplace. In today’s world, basic manners and courtesy send a message of openness and will leave a positive impression on colleagues and partners.. We have all probably experienced one of the following: – while at your desk, a person from your department is […]
by Vera Bucoveanu / aprilie 12, 2020 /In Uncategorized